Geofence Failsafe Trigger

This section covers the Geofence Failsafe Trigger settings.

The Geofence Failsafe Trigger can be set to limit the vehicle's radius and/or altitude. When these parameters are breached, the vehicle will perform the defined action.

Default Action on breach: Hold mode

Default Max Radius: Disabled

Default Max Altitude (HGT): Disabled

Failsafe detection can trigger one of the following actions (*only available in Advanced Mode).


No action


A warning message will be displayed/announced.

Hold mode

The vehicle will enter Hold mode and orbit at the location where the failsafe action was triggered.

Return mode

The vehicle will enter Return mode and fly directly to the designated landing location at the set return altitude, then land.


Turns off all controllers and sets all PWM outputs to their failsafe values. The failsafe outputs can be used to deploy a parachute, landing gear, or perform another operation.

Land mode*

The vehicle will enter Land mode and land immediately.

Max Radius

The horizontal radius of the geofence cylinder around the Home Position. Alternatively, a circle can be drawn and freely positioned in the Plan View. The horizontal geofence is disabled if set to 0.

Max Altitude

Height of geofence cylinder. Altitude geofence disabled if 0.

The Max Altitude is referenced to the takeoff location (HGT), not above ground level (AGL). Special care must be taken when operating in an area with varying ground elevations.

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