Data Link Loss Failsafe Trigger

This section covers the Data Link Loss Failsafe Trigger settings.

The Data Link Loss Failsafe Trigger controls the behavior of the vehicle when the telemetry link is lost.

Default Failsafe Action: Return mode

Default Data Link Loss Timeout: 60s

Failsafe detection can trigger one of the following actions (*only available in Advanced Mode).

By default, when a loss of communication occurs, the DeltaQuad Evo Tactical will continue its mission if a mission plan is being executed.

This behavior is inherent to the Evo Tactical, as a loss of communication is expected during missions with the stealth switch enabled.

The settings for the Data Link Loss Failsafe Trigger should be checked before pausing the vehicle mid-flight.

If the trigger is disabled and the data link is lost while the vehicle is paused and in Hold mode, the pilot will be unable to issue new commands. The DeltaQuad EVO will remain in Hold mode until the data link is re-established. If the data link cannot be restored, the vehicle will remain in Hold mode until the Low Battery Failsafe Trigger activates.

Many local laws and regulations require the Failsafe Action to be set to Return mode.

Last updated