Offshore Operations

This section describes the steps required for offshore operations.


  • Thoroughly review the chapter on Manual Control.

  • Inspect the ship from which you plan to take off.

  • Identify the most suitable takeoff and landing area that offers sufficient space and is as far as possible from any metallic objects.

  • Determine the optimal position for the Ground Control Station and any optional antennas, if applicable.

  • Ensure that a clear line of sight between the vehicle and the antennas is maintained at all times.

  • Power up the DeltaQuad Evo and the GCS (AMC).

  • Set AMC to Advanced Mode.

  • Complete the Pre-flight Checklist.

Before Takeoff

Pre takeoff: -Determine safe transition direction -Position the Evo so it faces the incoming wind -Complete AMC pre flight checks

Take off hgt 0 to 40ft: -switch to altitude mode -manually arm -check for vtol rotor spin -take off to 40ft

Take off hgt 40ft to fixed wing transition: -Switch to position mode -confirm location and heading are safe for transition -confirm heading into the wind by checking airspeed telemetry -transition to fixed wing -ascend to desired & safe altitude -switch to hold mode

Landing fixed wing to multirotor: -Position in hold mode within clear line of sight -identify landing line into the wind with safe bailout option -reposition loiter so it is in line with the identitified landing line and lower loiter to safe landing altitude (50ft or higher hgt) -when the Evo is facing in the direction of the landing line, switch to altitude mode -guide the Evo to the landing zone in altitude mode -accounting the weather conditions, transition at a safe distance from the landing zone (200m to 25m) higher Windspeeds require less distance to compete the transition

Landing multirotor 50ft to 10ft hgt -after transition accounting for the weather conditions lower the altitude and move towards and over the landing zone. Higher wind speeds require a lower descent speed

Landing multirotor 10ft hgt to touchdown -when over the landing zone account for the decks tilt and movement -yaw the Evo so it's wings are positioned so they will not hit the deck due to the rolling of the deck -time the landing with the waves lowering the deck, so touchdown is at the decks lowest point. -after touchdown be ready to manually disarm through emergency actions if necessary


-Plan Mission, load mission

-Switch AMC to Advanced Mode before launch

Failed Landing

-Switch to Altitude mode


-point into the wind

-transition to fixed-wing mode after a safe altitude is reached

-in fixed-wing mode, hold park at a safe altitude

-Move Evo to pre-landing area

-point Evo into the wind toward the landing zone

-send to new orbit overhead

-before reaching the land position give the land command

-Evo will transition and go into descent mode

-nudge Evo to position above landing zone

-use Position Mode as the Optical Flow sensor will work from below 10 meters

-when the Evo descended to 5m let the vehicle land as optical flow sensor is used for positioning

-ready disarm in the Emergency Actions

-disarm manually as soon as the Evo touches down

Last updated