Fly View

This section explores the various elements of the Fly View.

In the Fly View, missions are executed and monitored. The operator has two layouts available: by default, the Map is the Primary View, while the Video Feed is the Secondary View. You can change the layout by clicking the small window in the lower-left corner.

Primary View - map, Secondary View - video feed:

Primary view - video feed, Secondary View - map:

The smaller Secondary Window in the lower-left corner can be resized by clicking the two arrows in the upper-right corner. Drag the window to adjust it to your desired size.

The following list outlines the actions that can be performed within the Secondary Window.

  1. Minimize or maximize the window.

  2. Adjust the size of the window.

  3. Detach the window from the lower-left corner.

The available Fly Tools change depending on whether the Map or Video Feed is the Primary View. When the Map is the Primary View, all Fly Tools are accessible. Conversely, when the Video Feed is the Primary View, the payload controls on the right side of the screen become available.

Map is the Primary View: All Fly Tools, Flight, and Map Tools are available (when running AMC in Advanced Mode) on the left side of the screen.

Video Feed is the Primary View: Payload controls, if applicable (in this example, ISR payload), are available on the right side of the screen, while Fly Tools (selection), Flight, and Map Tools are accessible on the left side.

The available payload controls depend on the mounted payload. The different payload controls will be discussed separately in their dedicated sections.

Fly View Elements

The following list outlines all the elements of the Fly View.

For a detailed overview of AMC's Top Bar items, please revisit the chapter AMC Top Bar.

  1. AMC Menu

  2. Vehicle Status Indicator

  3. Flight Mode Selector and Indicator

  4. Emergency Actions and Arm/Disarm Status

  5. Radio Link Indicator/Selector

  6. GPS Status/GPS Fusion

  7. Data Link Signal Strength Indicator

  8. LTE Status and Signal Strength Indicator

  9. Vehicle Battery Status/Energy Consumption

  10. GCS Battery Status

  11. Telemetry Dashboard

  12. Video Feed (payload-dependent)

  13. Map Tools

  14. Flight Tools

  15. Fly Tools (Quick Access)

  16. Estimated Flight Time Remaining

  17. Geo-Tracking Dashboard (ISR payload)

  18. Map, Mission Items, Smart Actions, Vehicle Location (blue arrow), and Vehicle Track (red trail)

When zooming in and out, a Scale Indicator appears at the bottom of the screen to show the current zoom scale. To use the zoom function, you can either use the mouse wheel or the touchscreen. It indicates the scale of the map based on the zoom level.

Telemetry Dashboard

The Telemetry Dashboard is located in the lower-right corner of the screen. It is available in both layouts, whether the Map or the Video is the Primary View.

  1. Time Since Armed (approximate flight time)

  2. Distance Between Vehicle and Ground Station

  3. Compass (includes vehicle heading, camera field of view, and direction towards the Ground Control Station)

  4. Roll Index

  5. Wind Direction and Wind Speed

  6. Pitch Index

  7. Altitude Display - Tap the letters above the three dots to switch between different altitude measurements

  1. Vertical Speed

  2. Calibrated Airspeed

  3. Ground Speed/Horizontal Speed

Fly Tools (Quick Access)

Basic flight operations are initiated by pressing the appropriate button in the Fly Tools. Fly Tools are useful even during manual flight, as they streamline tasks such as Takeoff and RTL. Only the valid tool options for the current vehicle state are displayed, while invalid options are either hidden or grayed out.

Clicking the arrow opens the sidebar, revealing the title next to each icon.

The following Fly Tools are available on the left side of the screen when the Map is in Primary View.

All of the above actions will require user confirmation before execution.

Flight Tools

The following Flight Tools are available on the left side of the screen when the Map is in Primary View and AMC is running in Advanced Mode.

All of the above actions will require user confirmation before execution.

When using the Orbit or Figure-8 command, the Altitude Slider is presented on the right side of the screen with a fixed minimum and maximum altitude. The operator can choose an altitude between these values.

These values can be changed in AMC menu -> Settings -> General -> Fly View.

Map Tools

The following Map Tools are available on the left side of the screen when the Map is in Primary View and AMC is running in Advanced Mode.

Marker Tool

Different Marker Tool categories can be selected by color and shape. Click on the map to set the marker.

On the right side of the screen, an option will be available to set coordinates for the specific marker.

To delete a marker, select it on the map and click on the small Trash Bin.

To delete all markers, click on the Trash Bin icon in the Marker Tool menu.

Measurement Tool

The distance between two points can be measured, or the area can be calculated as a selectable polygon. Selecting Clear All will delete all Measurement Tools on the map.

Coordinates can be entered manually, and specific points can be removed.


The Fly View presents important warnings in a highly visible popup, alerting you to any unexpected behavior or issues. When possible, the notification will also provide the cause of the problem and suggest any required actions. Less critical messages, along with any missed warnings, are logged and can be accessed in the Vehicle Overview.

Last updated