Execute the Mission - Returning the Vehicle

This section explains how to start a mission and how to return the vehicle during the mission.

You can start the mission when all checks are performed and everything is set up and working properly.

A mission plan or a Quick Takeoff can be started by holding the dedicated button to confirm the action.

After confirmation, the vehicle will arm its multirotor motors and perform the VTOL Takeoff and Transition as planned by the operator. When executing a mission plan, the vehicle will autonomously follow the programmed flight path. In the case of a Quick Takeoff, the vehicle will orbit at the designated location after VTOL takeoff and transition, awaiting further commands from the operator.

Returning the Vehicle During a Mission

When the vehicle needs to return during a mission, the recommended method is to direct it toward a waypoint that provides a clean entry into the pre-defined landing sequence.

You can change the active waypoint the vehicle is following by selecting the desired waypoint on the map and confirming the change request.

  • In the example below, the vehicle is flying toward waypoint 3 (green - active).

  • When you click on waypoint 4, a confirmation window will appear, setting waypoint 4 as the new active waypoint (green).

When changing the active waypoint, the vehicle will immediately adjust its altitude to match that of the selected waypoint. It will not gradually climb or descend but will reach the new altitude as quickly as possible.

Therefore, it is recommended to select a waypoint with an altitude that allows the vehicle to safely return from its current position. If no waypoint with a safe altitude is available, it is advised to first reposition the vehicle to a safe location by setting an orbit on the map. During this repositioning, the UAV will maintain its current altitude.

Using the simulator is recommended to practice returning the vehicle during a mission, following the method described in this section.

Returning the Vehicle During Quick Takeoff Deployment

After a Quick Takeoff has been executed and no mission plan is available, the vehicle is controlled using the Orbit command to reposition it. Once the operation is complete, an RTL command needs to be issued. It is recommended to first reposition the vehicle closer to the available sectors, where it will autonomously plan the landing pattern. This is especially important in challenging areas, as the vehicle will return in a straight line at the set return altitude toward the available sectors.

Please review the Return section of the Quick Takeoff chapter for more information. Using the simulator is recommended to practice returning the vehicle during a mission, following the method described in this section.

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