During Takeoff

The following should be monitored directly after takeoff while the vehicle is ascending vertically to its transition altitude.

Toilet Bowling

Operator Action: LAND or ALTITUDE

The vehicle should take off in a straight line after the first few meters. If the vehicle starts "toilet bowling" (circling up), the mission should be aborted and a sensor calibration must be performed. If an autonomous landing does not stop the toilet bowling behavior, ALTITUDE mode should be engaged for a manual landing.

Not Holding Position

Operator Action: LAND or ALTITUDE

The vehicle should take off in a straight line. If the vehicle starts drifting from its position by more than a few meters, it should be commanded to LAND. Contact support to have your log files analyzed. If an autonomous landing cannot safely be performed, ALTITUDE mode should be engaged for a manual landing.

When operating in GNSS-Denied mode, some drift is expected above 10 meters.

Takeoff Failure

Operator Action: DISARM (Emergency Action -> SHUTDOWN)

If the vehicle fails to take off or only one-half of the vehicle rises, the VTOL propellers are likely damaged, mounted incorrectly, or upside down. The operator should disarm the vehicle and review the propeller configuration as described in the manual.

Last updated