Plan View

This section explores the various elements of the Plan View.

In the Plan View, you can create, edit, and save missions that can be uploaded to the DeltaQuad Evo.

To plan a mission, the DeltaQuad Evo does not need to be connected to Auterion Mission Control (AMC).

The image below shows a simple mission that starts with a VTOL Takeoff (Start and a Transition Direction item). The mission continues to fly through three waypoints, followed by a Landing Pattern.

Plan View Elements

The following list outlines all the elements of the Plan View.

For a detailed overview of AMC's Top Bar items, please revisit the chapter AMC Top Bar.

  1. AMC Menu

  2. Vehicle Status Indicator

  3. Flight Mode Selector and Indicator

  4. Emergency Actions and Arm/Disarm Status

  5. Radio Link Indicator/Selector

  6. GPS Status/GPS Fusion

  7. Data Link Signal Strength Indicator

  8. LTE Status and Signal Strength Indicator

  9. Vehicle Battery Status/Energy Consumption

  10. GCS Battery Status

  11. Mission Editor

  12. Terrain Visualization/Terrain Altitude Indicator

  13. Toggle Button - Terrain Visualization

  14. Measurement Tool

  15. Plan Tools

  16. Mission Statistics

  17. Map, Mission Items, Vehicle Location (blue arrow), and Home Location

When zooming in and out, a Scale Indicator appears above the Measurement Tool to show the current zoom scale. To use the zoom function, you can either use the mouse wheel or the touchscreen. It indicates the scale of the map based on the zoom level.

Plan Tools

The Plan Tools offer quick access to essential items for planning autonomous missions, such as adding waypoints, inserting survey or scan patterns, and saving, loading, uploading, or downloading mission plans.

Clicking the arrow opens the sidebar, revealing the title next to each icon.

File and Sync Tool

Only valid options are enabled (e.g., Download is grayed out if there is no mission on the vehicle).




Open a plan file from storage or clear the current mission in the Ground Control Station. This will not affect the plan on the vehicle.


Save previously opened or saved plans under the same name.

Save as...

Save the current plan under a new name.

Save Mission Waypoints as KML ...

Save the current mission as a KML file, which is used by Google Earth.

Recent Missions

Open a menu to access recently created or loaded mission plans.




Upload the mission plan to the vehicle. Existing plans on the vehicle are cleared.


Download the current plan from the vehicle. The current plan on the Ground Control Station is cleared.


Clear the mission plan on the Vehicle and AMC. Disabled if no vehicle is connected.

Waypoint Tool

Point Of Interest (POI) Tool

Cancel POI Tool

Pattern Tool

Center Tool



Center or zoom the map to include all mission waypoints.

All items

Center or zoom the map to include all plan items (missions, geofences, rally points)


Center the map at the point where the vehicle arms and takes off.


Center the map on the vehicle location. Disabled if no vehicle is connected.

Your Location

Center the map on the location of the Ground Control Station (AMC). Disabled if Ground Control Station does not have location or GPS.

Specified Location

Center the map on a specified location.

Enter geographic, UTM, or MGRS position information, to make it the new map center.

Mission Statistics

Under AMC`s Top Bar, the Mission Statistics are displayed.

The Mission Statistics give information about the Total Mission Distance, the Maximum Telemetry Distance, and the Total Mission Time.

Upload Button

The Upload Button uploads the current mission to the vehicle. It appears at the top of the screen when a new item has been added to the mission that hasn't been uploaded yet. The button disappears once the upload is complete and reappears when a new unsaved item is added to the mission.

Mission Editor

The Mission Editor on the right side enables the operator to adjust the settings of mission items.

The settings are organized into four sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the mission:

  • Start: In this tab, you can edit the values of the Mission Start Action, which consists of the Start and Transition Direction items.

  • Mission: The Mission tab allows you to edit and change the Waypoint commands and provides access to a list of all Waypoint items.

  • End: In this tab, you can edit the values of the Mission End Action. The Mission End Action can be an Orbit Land Pattern, a Straight Land Pattern, or a Loiter.

  • Extras: In this tab, you can add or remove GeoFence definitions and select the current GeoFence region for editing on the map.

Measurement Tool

The distance between two points can be measured, or the area can be calculated as a selectable polygon. Selecting Clear All will delete all Measurement Tools on the map.

Coordinates can be entered manually, and specific points can be removed.

Terrain Visualization/Terrain Altitude Indocator

The Terrain Altitude Indicator is located at the bottom of the screen.

A red line indicates a Ground Collision!

In the upper left corner of the Terrain Altitude Indicator, you can choose from three different altitude measurements.

Simply tap the letters next to the three dots to switch between the different altitude measurements:



Height (Heights are referenced to the takeoff location)


Mean Sea Level (Altitude Above Mean Sea Leve)


Above Ground Level (Altitude Above Ground Level)

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