Manual Control

This section explains how to manually control the DeltaQuad Evo.

Once the vehicle is launched and has transitioned to fixed-wing mode, you can control it using the following methods.

Repositioning the Vehicle and Changing the Altitude

  • Tap anywhere on the map to choose the location for the Orbit or Fig 8.

  • When issuing an Orbit or Fig 8 command, the altitude can be adjusted. The Altitude Slider will appear on the right side of the screen, allowing you to select a new altitude.

  • After confirming the command, the vehicle will change course to the chosen location and adjust to the selected altitude.

If a loss of connection occurs during repositioning the vehicle with the Orbit and Fig 8 command, the Data Link Loss Failsafe Action will be activated after the timeout. When disabled the vehicle will remain in Hold mode until the data link is re-established. If the data link cannot be restored, the vehicle will remain in Hold mode until the Low Battery Failsafe Trigger activates. If the failsafe action is set to Return mode, the vehicle will return to the designated landing location.

  • Mission plan execution can be paused using the Hold command. Reposition the vehicle manually and adjust altitude using the Orbit and Fig 8 commands. You can resume the mission at the selected active waypoint at any time by using the Mission command.

When the vehicle is following a mission path, it will always maintain the altitude defined in the mission plan. When resuming a mission, the vehicle will immediately adjust its altitude to match the currently active waypoint.

  • At any point during the flight, the Return command can be issued to bring the vehicle back to the designated landing location.

  • Airspeed can be changed with the Change Speed command.

Joystick Control - Fixed-wing Mode

For inexperienced pilots, joystick controls can feel counterintuitive. It is recommended to practice joystick operation nearby while maintaining a safe altitude.

For joystick (manual) control, the flight mode must be changed. Press the Mode button in AMC's Top Bar. Two options will be offered: Altitude and Position mode.

Flight modes explained

  • Altitude mode - The DeltaQuad Evo will automatically hold its altitude and direction until changed by the stick input. For flight stabilization and navigation, it will only rely on the IMU and not make use of the compass and GPS.

  • Position mode - The DeltaQuad Evo will automatically hold its altitude and direction until changed by the stick input. For flight stabilization and navigation, it relies on the IMU and makes use of the compass and GPS.

After activating either Altitude or Position mode, the vehicle will fly in a straight line at its current altitude until stick input is given.

If the vehicle loses connection to the GCS while flying in Altitude or Position mode, it will automatically initiate a Return command after a 5-second timeout to prevent a flyaway, regardless of the Safety settings.

Altitude Mode and Position Mode can be paused using the Hold command. The Return command can be issued to bring the vehicle back to the planned landing location.

  • In fixed-wing mode, the vehicle can be controlled with the right joystick input.

  • Moving the right joystick left or right will cause the vehicle to change direction.

  • Moving the joystick forward or backward controls the vehicle's altitude.

  • Pushing the joystick forward decreases altitude.

  • Pulling the joystick backward increases altitude.

Under NO circumstances attempt to fly the DeltaQuad Evo in Manual Mode! Do not assign the Manual Mode to any of the available buttons on the controller.


Nudging refers to making small manual adjustments to an automated flight path, typically during the landing descent. This feature allows operators to slightly alter the course or trajectory of the DeltaQuad Evo without fully taking over manual control. It's commonly used to ensure smoother landings, especially in cases where minor corrections are needed due to environmental factors like wind or obstacles

After the Evo transitions from fixed-wing mode to multirotor mode, the vehicle will deploy the landing gear and descend to the planned landing point.

  • The operator can halt the descent by pushing the left joystick forward.

  • The vehicle will maintain its altitude and position. The right joystick controls the vehicle's position. Moving the joystick forward, backward, left, or right changes the vehicle's position relative to its current heading.

  • The left joystick controls the vehicle's descent and heading. Moving the joystick up will halt the descent while returning returning the joystick to the middle position or moving it down will resume the descent. Moving the joystick left or right changes the vehicle's heading (yaw).

The maximum default hover time of the DeltaQuad Evo is 90 seconds. After 90 seconds the vehicle will force-land at its current location.

Joystick Control - Multirotor Mode

For joystick (manual) control, the flight mode must be changed. Press the Mode button in AMC's Top Bar. Two options will be offered: Altitude and Position mode.

Flight modes explained

  • Altitude Mode: The DeltaQuad Evo will automatically maintain its altitude while the pilot controls the horizontal direction. It relies solely on the IMU for stabilization and navigation, without utilizing the compass or GPS. During Altitude mode, drift can occur due to wind influences.

  • Position Mode: The DeltaQuad Evo will hold both its altitude and position until adjusted by stick input. For stabilization and navigation, it uses the IMU along with the compass and GPS for enhanced accuracy.

Altitude mode provides faster movement in multirotor mode compared to Position mode.

After activating either Altitude or Position mode, the vehicle will hover in place until stick input is given. In Altitude mode, more drift can be expected.

  • The left joystick controls the vehicle's altitude and heading.

  • Moving the joystick forward will increase the altitude.

  • Moving the joystick backward will decrease the altitude.

  • Moving the joystick left or right changes the heading (yaw) of the vehicle.

  • The right joystick controls the position of the vehicle. Moving this joystick, forward, backward, left, or right changes the position of the vehicle relative to its current heading.

The maximum default hover time of the DeltaQuad Evo is 90 seconds. After 90 seconds the vehicle will force-land at its current location.

Last updated