Corridor Scan

This section provides an overview of how to plan a survey pattern.

A corridor Scan is a flight pattern designed to survey or monitor a long, narrow area, such as roads, pipelines, coastlines, or borders. In ISR operations, Corridor Scans are particularly useful because they can efficiently cover vast stretches of terrain while maintaining a high altitude. This allows for continuous monitoring of infrastructure, moving targets, or environmental changes over long distances, with minimal fuel or energy consumption.

For mapping, Corridor Scans are valuable when creating detailed maps of linear features like roads or utility lines, where precision and consistency over narrow, extended areas are required.

Payload-specific corridor scans are discussed in their respective sections within this manual.

  1. Once the Mission Start Action has been created, a Corridor Scan can be placed anywhere on the map to autonomously cover an area by flying a predefined path. To do this, click on the Pattern Tool in the Plan Tools located on the right side of the screen and choose Corridor Scan.

  1. A Corridor Scan item will be created and the Mission Editor on the right side of the screen will display the Corridor Scan Settings.

  1. For ISR operations, it is recommended to choose Manual (no camera specs) as this provides direct access to the Corridor Scan Altitude and Spacing without the need to set the Overlaps.

Survey settings for specific mapping payloads are covered in their respective chapters.

  1. The Survey area selector offers tools to create shapes for the Survey Pattern.

Rectangle Tool

  • Creates a rectangular corridor on the map. Use the vertices to shape the form and to reposition it. Clicking the plus sign in the green survey area adds additional vertices.

Trace Tool

  • The Trace Tool lets the operator draw a Corridor Scan by clicking anywhere on the map. Use the vertices to shape the form and to reposition it. Clicking the plus sign in the green survey area adds additional vertices.

  • Click on a vertex with the left mouse button to remove it or enter geo-coordinates for that specific point.

During tracing, the map can be dragged by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and dragging the map with the right mouse button.

  • Once tracing is complete, confirm by clicking the Done Tracing button in the Mission Editor.

Load KML/SHP file

  • This provides the option to import KML or SHP files for the survey pattern.

  1. Altitude sets the altitude of the Corridor Scan, which is usually relative to the Home Position.

  1. Spacing determines the distance between the transects (trajectories within the green survey area). Spacing on the left side is 180 meters, and spacing on the right side is 50 meters.

The Trigger Distance can be ignored. Payload-dependent survey planning will be discussed in the dedicated chapters.

  1. The Corridor tab provides additional settings.

  1. Set the Width of the Corridor Scan by using the slider or entering a value. On the left side, the Width is 200 meters, and on the right side, it is 50 meters.

  1. The Turnaround Distance refers to the horizontal distance the drone travels beyond the survey area's edge at the end of a transect before making a turn to start the next parallel transect. This buffer provides the drone with enough space to turn, and align itself accurately for the next pass, ensuring smooth transitions between flight lines. Set the Turnaround Distance by moving the slider or entering a value. On the left side, the Turnaround Distance is 50 meters, and on the right side, it is 300 meters.

  1. The Options tab provides two additional settings for the Corridor Scan.

  • The Images in turnarounds option is important for Corridor Scans using a mapping payload, such as the Sony A7R Mark IV. This option will be discussed in the dedicated payload chapter and is not relevant to ISR operations.

  • Relative altitude: When enabled, altitudes are relative to the home point. When disabled, altitudes are measured above mean sea level (AMSL).

Be cautious and always double-check ground elevation.

  1. Rotate Entry Point determines the vehicle's entry and exit locations for the Corridor Scan. Click the button to toggle through all possible positions.

  1. The Corridor Scan can be deleted by clicking the Red Trash Bin in the lower right corner of the Mission Editor window.

  1. By clicking the Three Dashes in the lower left corner of the Mission Editor window, the option Edit Position appears. Insert the values for the coordinate system of your choice and click Set to confirm the coordinates.

  1. Always verify the ground elevation using the Terrain Altitude Indicator. A ground collision is indicated when the orange line turns red in the Terrain Altitude Indicator.

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