Pre-flight checks


  • Mission conforms with local laws and regulations.

  • The mission was planned in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Plan section.

  • Altitudes verified across terrain height.

  • At every stage in the fixed wing portion of the flight, a vertical separation of at least 25 meters above the highest obstacle is maintained.

  • The mission path is free of obstructions for at least 200 meters in each horizontal direction.

  • VTOL Takeoff and VTOL Land items were correctly applied.

  • The takeoff location is free from obstructions at transition altitude for 500m in every direction.

  • Takeoff and land site are clear of obstacles and structures higher than transition altitude.

  • The path for takeoff and landing is set so that the vehicle points into the wind.


  • The vehicle does not exceed the scheduled maintenance or preventive maintenance cycles.

  • The airframe conforms with all local rules and regulations and is permitted to fly the intended mission.

  • The propellers are mounted in the correct position, orientation, and direction as specified in the Assembly section.

Visual inspection for damage, dirt, and correctly mounted and securely fastened:

  • Propellers

  • Motors

  • Wings

  • Servos

  • Elevons

  • Devices inside the fuselage

  • Flight battery

In conditions below 5 degrees celcius

  • The landing gear is free from ice, snow or mud. This could cause the landing gear to freeze and prevent deployment.

  • The vehicle is launched from a solid surface that is devoid of snow, or mud.

  • The pitot tube is free from icing

  • The batteries are heated above 10 degrees celcius before takeoff.

Before closing hatch

  • When the vehicle sits outside, the hatch must not be closed until the vehicle is ready for takeoff as the components inside could overheat when sitting idle. Exposure to direct sunlight when idle for more than 5 minutes should be avoided.

  • Flight battery - Securely positioned, connector fully joined.

  • Telemetry - Attached and working.

  • The payload sits within the payload bay, is properly connected, and does not exceed 3 kg.

  • Components inside the fuselage are securely fastened and cannot move during flight.

After closing hatch

  • Hatch secured (closing mechanism pushed down and locked)

  • Hatch sits flush with the fuselage

  • Wings are properly secured.

Before takeoff

  • Weather conditions and mission within tolerances.

  • The vehicle is pointing into the wind.

  • No warnings on GCS.

  • The wing servos are powered (try to move the elevons and feel resistance from the servo).

  • The vehicle's current physical orientation matches the heading observed on GCS.

  • The flight battery is fully charged.

  • The ground equipment has sufficient charge to perform the mission.

  • Safety features are set correctly.

  • GPS lock is stable with at least 10 registered satellites.

  • Mission plan is uploaded

  • The takeoff waypoint is active (green)

Last updated