Optional tripod-mounted sector antenna

The following section describes the basic assembly and operation of the tripod-mounted sector antenna.

The tripod-mounted sector antenna gives up to 40 km ISR range extension. The horizontal field of view (beamwidth) is 120 degrees and the vertical field of view is 12 degrees. The tripod-mounted sector antenna requires a Silvus StreamCaster 4240-EP for standard operation.


  1. Mount and secure the antenna on the provided tripod.

  2. Connect the double RF antenna cable to the RF ports of the antenna.

  1. Connect the other end of the cable to the RF ports of the Silvus StreamCaster.

  1. Connect the battery to the Silvus StreamCaster as described here.

  2. Connect the Silvus breakout cable to the Silvus StreamCaster and make sure to properly connect the plug to the socket, by aligning the red dots on the plug and the socket.

  1. Mount the Silvus StreamCaster to the tripod with the provided Velcro.

Positioning the tripod-mounted sector antenna

For general information and tips on radio range and line of sight operation, please read here.

The optimal angle for a sector antenna to operate with a drone depends on several factors, including the antenna's beamwidth and the drone's flight path. A sector antenna typically has a directional beam that covers a specific angular range, often referred to as the beamwidth.

The provided tripod-mounted sector antenna has a horizontal beamwidth of 120 degrees and a vertical beamwidth of 12 degrees.

Here are some considerations:

  1. Antenna Beamwidth: Sector antennas have a specified beamwidth. The main lobe of the antenna's radiation pattern is within this beamwidth. Align the antenna so that the main lobe covers the area where the drone is expected to operate most frequently.

  2. Drone Flight Path: Consider the expected flight path of the DeltaQuad Evo GOV. If the drone moves within a specific sector, align the antenna to cover that sector. It's common to point the sector antenna slightly angled upward, depending on the drone's altitude.

  3. Altitude Changes: If the drone is expected to fly at different altitudes, you may need to adjust the tilt of the sector antenna to ensure coverage at varying heights.

  4. Obstructions: Be mindful of any potential obstructions between the antenna and the drone. Adjust the antenna angle to avoid obstacles and maintain a clear line of sight.

  5. Coverage Area: Determine the desired coverage area and adjust the sector antenna angle to match. Sector antennas are often used to cover specific sectors of a 360-degree area.

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