Before the mission plan can be created, the following steps should be taken to ensure safe execution:
A mission plan should only be executed after a thorough inspection of the entire mission on site. All altitude differences and obstacles should be known and taken into account.
Missions must be allowed to be executed in accordance with local laws and regulations.
The mission path must be free of obstructions for at least 200 meters in each horizontal direction.
During fixed-wing flight (Aerodynamic mode) the vehicle should stay 50m above ground level, near the end of the mission, to reduce landing energy consumed, an altitude of 25m above ground is recommended.
For maximum endurance a takeoff altitude can be set to 25m, however, to ensure the safety systems can function properly, the takeoff altitude should be at a minimum of 60 meters above ground level.
The takeoff and land sites must consist of a level, flat surface that is free of obstructions for at least 5x5 meters.
The takeoff altitude should be set high enough for the vehicle to be able to perform a transition in any direction.
The weather conditions must fall within the maximum allowed conditions.
Both the front and back transition paths must be planned in such a way that the vehicle is pointing with its nose toward the wind while performing the transition.
The intended mission should not consume more than 85% of the total energy available.
At any point in the mission, the vehicle must be able to return to its takeoff point in a straight line at its current altitude.
At any point in the mission, the vehicle must be able to initiate an unscheduled landing without causing damage to itself or its environment.
Takeoff in Hover mode and transition to Aerodynamic mode.
Before creating a new mission plan make sure that there are no items such as waypoint commands on the map.
First, enter the Plan view by selecting the Plan tab from the AMC menu.
You can clear all waypoints from AMC and the vehicle by selecting the File Tool from the Plan Tools. Choose the clear option.
When selecting the Start tab the option Add VTOL Takeoff is available.
Set the VTOL Takeoff altitude in the Plan Item Editor. This is the altitude at which the vehicle transitions from Hover mode to Aerodynamic mode.
We recommend a minimum VTOL Takeoff altitude of 60m for all safety features to function properly. Always make sure to set an altitude that surpasses the height of all obstacles present between the Start and Transition Direction waypoints.
Please be aware that the altitudes of mission items in the Plan View are relative to the launch altitude, rather than Above Ground Level (AGL).
For maximum endurance, this value can be set as low as 25m. At that altitude, the safety features might not function properly in the event of an emergency.
In Hover mode, the DeltaQuad EVO uses up to 12 times more energy compared to the Aerodynamic mode (Fixed-wing mode). We recommend setting the VTOL Takeoff altitude not higher than 100m as this will have an impact on the total flight time. As a rule of thumb, every additional minute ascending in Hover mode will take off 10km from the total mission length. Every extra minute of descending in Hover mode will take off 7km of the total mission length.
In the Initial Mission Settings, the default Waypoints altitude can be set.
This value can be changed for each individual waypoint in the Mission tab. The default value can be set in the application settings of AMC when the Advanced Mode is enabled. Settings > General > Plan View
The vehicle has been designed to transition in the direction it was when positioned on the ground. This allows the operator to perform upwind transitions, regardless of the mission plan. During the transition phase, the vehicle may travel as much as 300 meters. The mission plan should account for this.
During the transition phase, the vehicle's heading may change due to wind influence. The mission plan should account for this.
The DeltaQuad EVO will proceed to these waypoints, continuing in Aerodynamic mode.
To plan mission items such as regular waypoints select the Waypoint Tool from the Plan Tools on the left side of the screen.
Click anywhere on the map to designate a location for the waypoint.
After placing the waypoint on the map, the Mission tab in the Plan Item Selector on the right side of the screen will open.
Choose and set up the desired mission item from the Waypoint type tab.
When AMC is used in Normal Mode three options are available.
The Altitude mode is the altitude above the launch elevation.
Set the altitude for the waypoint with the altitude slider.
The default range can be changed in the Application Settings. Settings>General>Plan View>Waypoints Maximum Altitude
When changing the altitude of a waypoint, the next waypoint's altitude is automatically set to that value.
The Altitude mode is the altitude above the launch elevation.
Set the altitude for the waypoint with the altitude slider.
Set the duration of how long the DeltaQuad EVO should orbit at the designated location.
Set the radius of the Orbit. We recommend a minimum radius of 100m. 75m is possible in calm winds.
Choose the vehicle's exit point from the Orbit.
At the bottom of the Mission tab, you can edit the position of the mission item, or delete it.
If the vehicle's altitude differs from the altitude of the next mission item, the vehicle will fly in a straight line toward that mission item.
The vehicle will not ascend or descend immediately to the altitude of the next mission item before reaching it.
If the vehicle can't reach the altitude of the next mission item due to an insufficient climb or descent rate, the vehicle will orbit at the location of the mission item to finish climbing or descending to the item's altitude.
The Altitude mode is the altitude above the launch elevation.
Set the altitude for the waypoint with the altitude slider.
Set the radius of the Orbit. We recommend a minimum radius of 100m. 75m is possible in calm winds.
Choose the vehicle's exit point from the Orbit.
At the bottom of the Mission tab, you can edit the position of the mission item, or delete it.
When using Orbit (altitude), the operator must be especially cautious about terrain collisions.
Orbit (altitude) is practical for reaching a desired altitude before the flight path continues or when the vehicle's climb or descent rate will not be sufficient to reach the required altitude en route.
The last action of the mission plan. Execute a landing pattern or loiter.
After the waypoints have been placed the Mission End Action has to be planned. When clicking on the End tab within the Plan Item Selector two options are available.
When selecting Add Land Pattern a window will appear with the request to choose a location on the map.
If the Ground Control Station is connected to the DeltaQuad EVO or the simulator you get a second option to set the Land item to the vehicle location.
After the Land Pattern is positioned several options will be available in the Mission End Action tab on the right side of the screen.
Altitude - The altitude at which the aircraft transitions from Aerodynamic mode to Hover mode prior to landing. The altitude is relative to the launch altitude.
At every stage in the fixed wing portion of the flight, a vertical separation of at least 25 meters above the highest obstacle must be maintained.
Radius - The radius of the descent circle. The aircraft will descend in Aerodynamic mode from the mission altitude to the specified altitude mentioned in the Altitude setting above.
The DeltaQuad EVO will orbit clockwise when the Orbit clockwise box is checked.
Disable that option to orbit counter-clockwise. This will change the location of the Orbit.
We recommend a minimum loiter radius of 100 meters. In strong winds, the loiter radius can be deformed and pushed by the wind. To mitigate this, we advise increasing the radius. For example, in stronger winds, set the radius to 150 meters or higher.
Heading - When placing the Land Pattern it automatically positions the Orbit and Land items in the same direction as the Start and Transition Direction items. As the DeltaQuad EVO needs to launch and transition into the wind it also needs to do the final approach and landing facing into the wind.
The heading can be changed by dragging the Land Pattern items on the map or using the Heading slider.
The DeltaQuad EVO needs to transition to Hover mode and land into the direction of the wind.
Altitude - The altitude of the Landing point is the relative altitude to the Start item where the vehicle is expected to touch down. When landing at the same altitude where the takeoff occurred this can be left at 0. The aircraft will confirm the setting by utilizing its integrated ground distance sensor.
Landing Dist - The distance between the Orbit and the Land item will be automatically set to 50m. You can change this distance by dragging the Land item on the map or by using the slider. Values between 50m and 200m are available.
At the bottom of the Mission tab, you can edit the position of the mission item, or delete it.
When choosing Add Loiter from the Mission End Action tab an Orbit waypoint will be placed on the map.
The Waypoint type and other settings can be adjusted as explained in the chapter Set intermediate waypoints.
A vertical takeoff or landing consumes significantly more energy than a fixed-wing flight. For maximum efficiency, an altitude between 25 and 35 meters is recommended for landing.
At every stage in the fixed wing portion of the flight, a vertical separation of at least 25 meters above the highest obstacle must be maintained.
When planning a landing either in mission, or quick-takeoff modes, the altitude must be set at least 25m above obstacles such as trees that may potentially fall in the flight path of the vehicle.
The altitude of the "Planned Home Position" defines the expected touch-down altitude.
The back transition from fixed-wing flight (Aerodynamic mode) to multirotor flight (Hover mode) is performed at the altitude set in the "Orbit point" of the Mission End Action command.
Most wind forecasts are based on ground-level wind. Even 10 meters above the ground the wind can be significantly stronger.
During the transition phase of the "Transition Direction" item, the vehicle has limited navigational abilities and could drift from its intended direction. The transition should therefore always be performed at an altitude where it is safe for the vehicle to perform the transition in any direction.
Click on the map to specify the start location where the vehicle will initiate its takeoff. If the vehicle is currently connected, this location will automatically default to the vehicle's current position.
Adjust the Transition Direction icon displayed on the map. This action determines the transition direction for the vehicle, indicating how it will transition from Hover mode to Aerodynamic mode before proceeding to the next mission item. It is important to set the transition direction against the wind, ensuring that the vehicle is also facing the wind. The default distance between the Start item and the Transition Direction item is set to 70m and can be left at that value.
Waypoint type | Action |
Waypoint type | Action |
Waypoint type | Action |
The designated location will be the position of the Land item . AMC will automatically plan an Orbit where the DeltaQuad EVO will descend to the set altitude, approach the Land item, transition to Hover Mode, and land at the designated location.
The vehicle flies toward the location and altitude specified by the user. Once it arrives, it will proceed to the next mission item. If there are no further mission items following the Waypoint, the vehicle will orbit at the Waypoint's location.
The vehicle flies toward the location and altitude specified by the user. Once it arrives, the vehicle will initiate an orbit and continue to circle that position. When the specified Orbit Time elapses, it will proceed to the next mission item.
The vehicle flies toward the location at its current altitude. Once it arrives, the vehicle will initiate an orbit and start climbing or descending to the user-specified altitude. When the altitude is reached, the vehicle will continue to the next mission item.
The DeltaQuad EVO has been designed to fly autonomously, this is achieved by planning and executing missions. Missions are set through the Ground Control Station. They can be created and sent to the vehicle directly, loaded from an existing mission plan, or saved to a mission plan. This section covers the basics of planning a mission for the DeltaQuad EVO.
The operator can plan a takeoff and landing from the Fly View by selecting sectors that are free of obstacles at the approach altitude.
The DeltaQuad will take off and transition to aerodynamic mode into a set direction and orbit until new commands are given.
How to take off and land using Fly View will be discussed thoroughly in a later section of this manual.
In certain situations where launch and landing sites pose significant restrictions and obstacles, utilizing the Takeoff and Approach functionalities in Fly View becomes impractical. In such instances, it is advisable to employ the Plan View for comprehensive mission planning.